In 2023, Kids Help Phone supported people more than 4.7 million times — the highest number in our 35-year history. And we couldn’t have done it without you.

Our publications

Young people in Canada have been turning to Kids Help Phone for help during their most difficult challenges for more than 30 years. Find detailed information about the challenges they face and our innovative approach to supporting them in the way they need, when they need it most.

Impact Reports

Learn how we continue to create long-term impact for young people in every part of Canada.

Impact Report 2023

READ about Impact Report 2023

Impact Report 2022

READ about Impact Report 2022

Impact Report 2021

Read about Impact Report 2021

Impact Report 2020

Read about Impact Report 2020

Impact Report 2019

Read about Impact Report 2019

Impact Report 2018

Read about Impact Report 2018

Impact Report 2017

Read about Impact Report 2017

Impact Report 2016

Read about Impact Report 2016

Impact Report 2014 – 2015

Read about Impact Report 2014 – 2015

Impact Report 2013 – 2014

Read about Impact Report 2013 – 2014

Impact Report 2012

Read about Impact Report 2012

Impact Report 2011

Read about Impact Report 2011

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Explore past financials and learn how our innovative services are fueled.
View our latest filed T3010 which includes information on compensation

Financial statement 2023

VIEW about Financial statement 2023

Financial statement 2022

VIEW about Financial statement 2022

Financial statement 2021

View about Financial statement 2021

Financial statement 2020

View about Financial statement 2020

Financial statement 2019

View about Financial statement 2019

Financial statement 2018

View about Financial statement 2018

Financial statement 2017

View about Financial statement 2017

Financial statement 2016

View about Financial statement 2016

Financial statement 2015

View about Financial statement 2015

Financial statement 2014

View about Financial statement 2014

Financial statement 2013

View about Financial statement 2013

Financial statement 2012

View about Financial statement 2012

Financial statement 2011

View about Financial statement 2011

Financial statement 2010

View about Financial statement 2010

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Other publications

Finding Hope: Kids Help Phone’s Action Plan for Supporting First Nations, Inuit and Métis Young People

Kids Help Phone’s Indigenous Advisory Council has challenged us to achieve seven ambitious goals through the implementation of Finding Hope between 2019 and 2022

View action plan

Engaging Indigenous Youth for Kids Help Phone: A Reflection of Knowledge Shared

Kids Help Phone set out to engage with Indigenous youth in schools across Canada and learn how we can best support the mental, emotional and spiritual wellness of First Nations, Inuit and Métis youth.

View full report

Proof Positive 2015

Read the full evaluation report about Kids Help Phone’s professional phone and Live Chat counselling services

View full report

Proof Positive 2015

Scan the summary evaluation report about Kids Help Phone’s professional phone and Live Chat counselling services

View summary report

Teens Talk 2016

Read Kids Help Phone’s report on the well-being of teens in Canada

View report

Teens Talk 2015

Check out Kids Help Phone’s report on youth issues

View report

You can save and change the lives of young people

Thanks to our growing community, Kids Help Phone offers free, 24/7 e-mental health services to young people in Canada. Your generosity helps ensure that someone is always there when support is needed for any issue, big or small.

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